New Exchange Listings and New Base Pairs!
November 2019
GLT has now been listed on
The following base pairs are now available for trading
GLT has now been listed on
The following base pairs are now available for trading
GLT is currently trading on 10 exchanges! Coingecko and Coinmarketcap do not have a complete list and likely never will!
Special Notes:
Citex now support deploying GLT masternodes directly from the exchange! There is no setup required and you can easily buy 50,000 GLT on the exchange and on the same site start hosting a masternode in a single click. (GLT is on the second page) has a “Reaction” system that supports automating trades and withdraw of GLT! This is a very useful function, including the ability to create your own custom reactions for GLT.
With so many new base pairs this is a great opportunity to arbitrage GLT between many of our exchanges!
Happy trading everyone and always remember, withdraw early and often from all exchanges!
August 2019
Hardfork v3.1 activated on August 1st adding 30 new additional algorithms.
February 2019
First of all, we are glad that you are here and that you are a part of the GlobalToken Community.
Here is a short overview of what is planned and what is happening in the background.
1) Android Wallet: Yes, it is still in progress, but it is much more difficult than expected. The problem is that there is no existing Equihash / Zhash implementation for Android / Java, thats why it’s delayed.
We are working on it. We will keep you updated.
2) The Whitepaper: We will work directly after the Android Wallet on the Whitepaper.
3) Core Upgrade: A Core Upgrade is planned with the integration of network hashrates for all algorithms. It will get some more improvements such us Initial loading speedup and we will merge Bitcoin Core Code up to 0.18 into GLT.
4) Masternode Quorum: We will consider an upgrade similar to the DASH masternode quorum.
5) Multi-Algorithm extension: We thought to extend multi-algo from 30 algorithms. You can suggest the algorithms you want to see integrated into GLT and we will consider them if possible.
6) The AuxPoW: With GLT 3.0 we introduced the Multialgorithm system and auxpow, with it’s goal to distribute the coins better instead. Some pools started merge mining for lots of algos, and are not paying out the coins to the workers/miners, this goal of mergemining has not been met due to this. More and more algos are unprofitable and miners stop mining. That’s why we thought about a next hardfork that will:
–> Change the merge mining rewards. On merge mining Blocks, the Merge miner will get 25% and the Masternode 60% (Change of the reward distribution)
–> A brand new feature will be coded, that will regulate the auxpow. For example if the difficulty is low, more merge mining blocks will be accepted, to keep the chain secure. –> The target it to allow every fifth block only for auxpow per algo, that means that there must be min. 4 blocks mined normally, without auxpow until auxpow is allowed again.
–> The most Pools with merge mining are profit switching /yiimp pools, that are just selling the merge mined GLTs intead of fairly paying them out to the miners/workders. This is not the goal of auxpow.
More will be announced soon.
Pawel, GlobalToken Lead Developer
2018 December the 15th: Novaexchange listed on Coinmarketcap – Rising buy support
Globaltokens main markets are now listed on thanks to Cryptoandcoffee.
GLT is now available for trade on:

Thank you for the continued support of our growing community!

December 12th – New Global pool with lots of Servers all around the world for low latency mining!
Self portrait from the pool: – The Primary Pool of GlobalToken
We are pleased to announce the completion of the bounty with 28 algorithms supported currently. We will follow up with zhash and equihash support shortly. Our code is based on the original modification the GlobalToken team has made to the node-open-mining-portal and s-nomp platforms. ( Please direct any questions or complaints to [] in Discord.
Pure NVMe Storage / Docker Powered / Global Stratum Support (LAX, ATL, FRA, SYD, SIN) / Vardiff + Static Diff
2018-2019 : 0.5%
2019 : 2%
Every 1 minute
Balance > 1 GLT
Connect to your closest pool:
North America – West : Los Angeles, California
North America – East : Atlanta, Georgia
Europe : Frankfurt, Germany
Asia : Singapore
Australia : Sydney, Australia
All our pools are tracking on
We are actively developing the pool in coordination with the GlobalToken team in Discord and will continue to support their updates and developments.
January the 31st: Upcoming GlobalToken HardFork
GlobalToken-Core is preparing for a HardFork.
More information and a Whitepaper with relevant details will be released soon.
Join the Slack and Telegram and stay updated
Bitcointalk ANN:
July the 27th: GlobalToken Major Upgrades
There will be major upgrades to The GlobalToken which will be released on Friay, 28th july 2017. All users are to take note of this and prepare accordingly.
The following are the upgrades:
1. Maiden wallets for Mac OS
2. Major Upgrade to Windows wallet.
3. SegWit Android Wallet Major Update coming in August
4. SegWit is now integrated and will be activated on first November 2017, and the Deadline of Activation is first March 2018.
After March 2018 the Blockchain will just accept SegWit blocks and all old blocks will be rejected – so please Update your Node
Please take note that MOST users using android wallets and those with their $GLT stored on exchanges will have to do nothing. However if you are running V 1 Wallets please Upgrade to V2 as soon as possible.
The GlobalToken management and community would like to acknowledge Pawel and Leon, GlobalToken’s developers for the selflessness, hardwork, and dedication towards GlobalToken

TEam MeMbers

Team Position
Team Position
Team Position
Dev / Founder
Community Moderator