Hardfork Information
The GlobalToken V3.0 wallet is now ready and released.
Please upgrade your node until 30 September, if you need more time please put the Wallet in maintenance mode.
The Hardfork will take place on October 1st 2018, 12:00:00 (GMT).
Until then you should be ready.
You can use ready cross-compiled wallets or compile by your own.
Source: https://github.com/globaltoken/globaltoken
Downloads: https://github.com/globaltoken/globaltoken/releases/tag/3.0.0
Notes: When upgrading your node, make sure you backup your wallet.dat, you should always backup it. The node will ask you for reindex, if you did not enable -txindex earlier.
This is needed for the Masternode mode, if you don’t like to run in fullmode, disable it with -litemode=1 -txindex=0.
On this page is a graphical representation of the progress of the hardfork which is being worked on voluntarily by our diligent team of developers led by our lead developer, Pawel.
The GlobalToken team is in the process of making changes to the GlobalToken code to make the blockchain better, more useable, secure, and practical enough to buy a cup of coffee in the morning whilst on your way to work.
The changes that are being made to the code are very involving and will require a complete overhaul of the existing code. This is a lot of work to be done hence the work towards this hardfork started at the beginning of 2018 and is still ongoing.
Follow the treasure hunt at www.globaltoken.org/treasure-hunt to know what is currently going on.
A few days through to today, the development team have worked tirelessly to integrate some of algorithms.
Today, Lyra2re is successfully integrated and will be tested.
Lyra2RE is a chained algorithm which consists of 5 different hash functions : Keccakc, Skein, Groestl, Blake and Lyra2.
Lyra2re is predominantly known to be used by Vertcoin.
Lyra2re consumes less power and better suits the newer mining hardare.
The Algo Arctichash got replaced by a community suggested Algo Keccac.
Update 10th September 2018
Our test pool is now LIVE and we would be happy to see miners from all over the world deploy an unused miner.
Speed of the miner doesn’t matter! I currently support the pool with a 3 mh/s scrypt miner which is comparably low.
We need a variation of miners to get the chain rolling nice and smooth so we can check the retargeting system
Thank you very much for your help!
Pool: http://pool2.cryptopowered.club:1234
Hardfork-Explorer: http://instant.redirectme.net:10000
as well:
the Algo Arctichash will be replaced(not yet included in pool).
UPDATE 07th Sept. 2018

screenshot provided above is taken from a linux QT wallet and will look different on other systems like windows or mac os.
Masternodes are now fully implemented and working nice for several days.
Collateral will be 50’000 GLT and can be bought at https://www.coinexchange.io/market/GLT/BTC#
in a few days we will prepare a test pool (that later will be a fully working pool) to give the chain some mining power.
Here everyone can mine coins to see how the retargeting works and if it needs further adjustment.
The coins generated in this testing area are not valid in the official GLT Blockchain and wont have any value at all – its just a test!
you will never receive a payout of the mined coins!
i will provide a block explorer to see the transactions!
Stay tuned – Astrali
Current state of the Hardfork
This is a list of mining algorithms after activating hardfork:
GlobalToken project is visionary thus every line of code must be tested to ensure its integrity hence the hardfork is divided into two phases which are worked on concurrently by the development team and other volunteers.
1. Coding
2. Testing.
A lot of work has already been done without public notice but henceforth the everyday progress of the all important hardfork will be represented here.
To better understand the technicalities behind each task that is represented by a progress bar, we would entreat you to read more in the Whitepaper coming soon
We are proud to announce, that the GlobalToken beta phase has been started! Point your miners to our testpool and help us to test Multi-algorithm!
Pool: pool2.cryptopowered.club:1234
Hardfork-Explorer: http://instant.redirectme.net:10000
More soon!